Created time
Feb 13, 2024 1:50 PM
The radar has the ability to output trigger values for each zone, and we hope to continue to try to unfold the parsing protocol next so that it can be easily used to adjust the appropriate sensitivity trigger.
The LD1125F cannot be parameterized using the HLKRadarTool APP, which only has simple sensitivity settings for three zones, and does not have the same fine segmentation of zones as the LD2410.Here is a brief description of what the basic parameters represent (rmax, mth1, mth2, mth3).
Documentation explaining the parameters is from: Hilink Site
- rmax=*, sets the maximum detection distance. It is possible to set the distance value with one decimal place, in meters. For example: to set the module to only detect targets within a 6-meter distance, send rmax=6, at which point the module will only output targets within 6 meters. Targets beyond 6 meters will not be output. The default value for rmax is 6.
- mth1=*, sets the segmented sensitivity threshold 1. mth1 corresponds to the signal threshold within 3.5 meters. The default value is 60.
- mth2=*, sets the segmented sensitivity threshold 2. mth2 corresponds to the signal threshold within 3.5 to 10 meters. The default value is 55.
- mth3=*, sets the segmented sensitivity threshold 3. mth3 corresponds to the signal threshold beyond 10 meters. The default value is 40.
The higher the sensitivity value, the less sensitive the module is. It is generally recommended that customers test with the default parameters.