There are some unique uses for THS1 that differentiate it from a typical temperature and humidity sensor, allowing for some interesting applications. During the winter, we have set up a low-temperature electric blanket for our cats, which is a Rainbow brand pet electric blanket that operates on 12V power, making it relatively safe. To monitor the temperature and humidity environment of the electric blanket, we use THS.
We turn on the electric blanket at night and keep it turned off during the day. The current ambient temperature is around 11 degrees, while inside the cat's bed it is 14 degrees.
From the temperature graph, it can be observed that the temperature at night is ideal, reaching up to 50 degrees.
This process also causes some dryness.
With this data, a measure of comfort can be derived after some minor processing.
Here is data from several more days, and those fluctuations are clearly a process of the electric blanket decreasing and then re-increasing the temperature.
Being able to simultaneously detect humidity with an independent probe, without the need to insert a bulky device or use batteries, and providing real-time monitoring (at the second level) is one of the uses of THS1.